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Birth Control

Read up on different types of contraception, how they work and more.

Birth Control

Natural family planning vs hormone-free birth control

While natural family planning is a type of hormone-free birth control, not all types of hormone-free birth control can be defined as natural family planning. In this blog post, we’re going to look at the key differences and explain some of the language around non-hormonal and natural contraceptive methods so you have a clearer idea of your birth control options.

7 min read

Birth Control

Does birth control make you gain weight?

Our weight is something that many of us think about, whether it’s feeling the pressure to look a certain way, or out of concern for our health. It’s no wonder that there is some controversy around the topic of whether or not weight gain is caused by hormonal contraception. In this article, we’ll take a closer look at the science behind this subject and what we actually know about birth control and weight gain.

8 min read

Birth Control

7 types of birth control covered by insurance

In this post, we’re going to take a look at some of the birth control methods that are covered by insurance. We’ll look at both hormonal and non-hormonal options, as well as what options you have if you need birth control and don’t have insurance. Read on to learn more…

7 min read

Birth Control

How effective is the mini pill?

有许多不同的荷尔蒙出生控制器l methods on the market. When talking about birth control pills, most people tend to mean the combination pill. Today we’ll take a closer look at another kind of birth control pill called the mini pill, sometimes referred to as progestin-only pills or POPs.

8 min read

Birth Control

Does birth control help acne?

The answer to this question is more complicated than a simple yes or no because different birth control methods work in different ways. In this article, we’re going to take a closer look at skin changes and in particular which birth control can help acne and which methods may make it worse. We’ll also take a look at alternative acne treatment options and how going hormone-free can help you understand your skin changes throughout your menstrual cycle.

7 min read

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