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Period & Bleeding

Find out the facts with articles on menstruation, spotting, irregular periods and more.

Period & Bleeding

When will I start my period after giving birth?

As your body recovers from giving birth, there are many things that might feel new and different from how they were before, both mentally and physically. After having a break from periods during pregnancy and postpartum, you might be wondering when your period will come back, and what to expect once your cycle returns again. Join us as we take a closer look at what happens to periods after pregnancy.

6 min read

Period & Bleeding

12 period products through history

For as long as humans have existed, we’ve had periods. But have you ever wondered what we used to absorb the flow before pads and tampons were invented? While today, there’s a choice of convenient and easy-to-use period products, some weird and wonderful things have been used in the past! Join us as we journey back through time and look at what's been used throughout history, and how these solutions evolved into the menstrual products we know today...

8 min read

Period & Bleeding

Can you swim on your period?

With summer right around the corner, it’s time to get back in the water! But what if you’re on your period? Whether you love swimming and are worried about whether you have to avoid your local swimming pool, or you’re heading on vacation and it coincides with your period, we’re here to answer all of your questions.

5 min read

Period & Bleeding

How long do periods last?

你是否会持续几哒ys or more than a week, your period length is unique to you, and depends on a number of factors. It’s completely normal, to wonder if yours is, well, normal! We’re here to bust some myths around periods, menstrual cycles and more so keep reading to learn ‘how long do periods last?’

9 min read

Period & Bleeding

Why do women have periods?

Join us as we take an in-depth look at the physiology behind the menstrual cycle and answer the question ‘why do women have periods?’ We’ll look at the length and phases of the menstrual cycle and also cover the average amount of bleeding that happens during menstruation. Also, if you want to know what animals have periods, we’ve got a surprise in store! Read on to find out more….

8 min read

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